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Acrostic Poetry

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T he fox wanted in the mittens
H edge has 5 prickles
E verybody likes the mitten
M itten is warm
I saw a bear in the mitten
T he animals were warm
T hey were going different places
E verytime an animal comes it gets bigger
N icki found his mitten.

by Alisha

T he bear sneezed
H e found the mitten
E ach animal was in a mitten
M ittens were lost
I n the mitten was a bear
T he animals were squashed
T hey had some snow
E ach animal got woke up
N icki saw his mitten

by Cody

T he bear sneezed
H e liked his snow white mitten
E ach animal wanted in
M ouse was little
I like the story
T hey all fit in the mitten
T he boy disturbed the animals
E very animal liked each other
N icki liked his mitten

by Hunter

T he mouse tickled the bear's nose
H edgehogs have prickles
E very animal Nicki past disturbed
M ouse climbed on top of bear's nose
I like the story
T he mouse was the last into the mitten
T hen the bear sneezed
E ach animal was in the mitten
N icki found his mitten

by Jordan

T he owl's talons were sharp
H is mitten fell out
E ach animal was warm
M ouse tickled the bear's nose
I like the boy Nicki
T he animals were squashed
T hen the rabbit hopped in
E ach animal was in the mitten
N icki found the mitten

by Randi

T he bear sneezed
H e is a badger
E ach animal isn't the same
M ouse is little
I am big
T he bear is big
T he mouse is not big
E ven the mole is little
N icki lost a mitten

by Joshua

T he boy's name was Nicki
H e bothered the animals
E very animal was different
M y mittens don't stretch
I have a green mitten
The bear sneezed
T he boy lost his mitten
E ach animal was warm
N icki found his mitten

by Travis

T he animals were cold
H e lost his mitten
E ach of the animals were cold
M ittens are warm
I like the story
T he bear sneezed
T he story was good
E very animal was different
N icki's grandmother Baba made the mittens

by Tony

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