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Roxie Ahlbrecht's Class
Robert Frost Elementary
Sioux Falls, South Dakota


Bats  in South Dakota

     There are eleven types of bats living in South Dakota.  Bats that live in South Dakota are small, have small eyes, poor eyesight, and a keen sense of hearing.  Some of the South Dakota bats have a wing span of 12 inches, but their bodies are only 4 inches long.
     Bats use two strategies to survive the South Dakota winters.   One strategy is to hibernate in caves, mines, or old buildings.  The other strategy is to go where the temperatures are more like summer.  Three types of South Dakota bats leave for the winter.  The eight types of bats that stay, hibernate in colonies.
     South Dakota bats eat insects.  They use their keen sense of hearing to find the insects.  The bats eat the insects in the air.
     In July and August, South Dakota bats molt or shed their fur.
     The blue jay eats tree-roosting bats.  Snakes and hawks feed on bats.  Owls also eat bats.  This is quite a few predators and also why bats stay out of the light.

Bat Acrostic Poems

B ats hibernate in caves and mines
A ll winter
T hey wake up in the
S pring

B ats are very unusual
A nimals
T here are bats with hair on their        heads that look like mohawks
S trange

B ats help people because they eat insects.
A nd do not always suck blood.
T hey also suck pollen like bees.  Bats  are not
S cary animals. They are like all       animals.

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B ats are helpful
A nimals.  Bats can pick up fruit on
T rees and make new plants by         
S eeds on the ground

B ats sleep in the day
A nd live in caves
T hey help plants
S ome bats can eat up to 1,000 

B rown bats
A re the only bats
T hat fly in
S ioux Falls
B ats sleep in the day and are
A lways awake in the night
T hey find their food when they are flying in the
S ky

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B ats are living
A nimals.  They help us.
T hey eat bugs in the
S ky at night.

B ats can eat  up to 1,000 bugs a day.
A t night, they only see black and       white
T hey fly in the
S ky at night.

B ats take fruit from trees
A nd drop the seeds
T o grow new trees from the
S eeds.
B ats sleep in the day
A nd wake up in the night.
T hey eat insects, mice, and
S nakes.
B ats in South Dakota
A lways feed on insects
T hey fly around the
S ky at night.
B ats help people because they eat
A ny kind of insect.
T hey can eat up to 1,000 insects in  
one hour.
some bats eat frogs.

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B ats eat insects and frogs
A nd
T hey stay in caves and mines until
S pring
B ats are just animals that
A re just catching bugs
T hey help people from getting
S ick

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B ats hibernate in caves and mines
A ll winter
T hey wake up in the
S pring

Bat Information

Bats help us.  They help us by pollinating the flowers and dropping seeds on the ground.  Whey they drop seeds on the ground, trees grow.  Bats eat fruit or vegetables.  Did you know bats hibernate in the caves or mines all winter? What are bats?  Bats are harmless creatures of the night.  They come out at night so the predators won't see them.  Bats live in the whole world-in Australia, the U.S., Africa, Germany, China, Mexico, France, and so on.
Bats are not deadly at all.   They help people and the rain forest.  They eat insects-they can eat over 1,000 in on hour! Bats eat fruit and even frogs.  Bats never suck human blood.   Bats always come out when you are asleep.  Even though they look friendly don't touch them. Most bats are helpful because they can eat up to 1,000 flies in one hour!  Do you think they are helpful?   Bats hibernate in caves and gold mines in groups.
Bats are helpful because they can eat up to 101 insects in one minute.  They will not hurt people.  All bats sleep in the day and work at night.  They live in caves and mines.  They eat frogs and fruit.  They don't swallow the seeds and spread them when they fly.

Vampire bats don't suck blood, they lap the blood.  Some bats in South Dakota eat only insects.   Bats help us.  They help us by dropping seeds to make new trees.

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People should know that the Jamaican long-tongued bat is extinct.  Bats are harmless creatures of the night.   The flying fox is not a fox that flies.  It is a bat, the largest bat, too. Some bats eat fruit.  Bats help flowers by spreading pollen.  They help the plants grow into pretty flowers.   Bats hide in caves and mines.  Some bats eat meat and fish and frogs.   Some bats look funny, or have yellow wings or hair on their heads.
Bats live in trees, caves, and mines.  Most bats eat fruit and insects.  The bats help spread the seeds when they eat fruit.  They sleep in the day and come out at night.  Vampire bats suck blood from animals, not people.  Bats are helpful to us and the rain forest. Bats are mammals.  Most bats eat bugs or fruit.  Bats help us by eating bugs-they can eat up to 100 bugs in an hour!  If we didn't have bats we would have thousands of bugs.  Bats also help pollinate flowers.
Bats help people by eating hundreds of insects all night long.  Bats use echolocation to fly at night.   They see in black and white.  They sleep in caves and mines.
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Some bats help us and some bats don't.  Not all bats drink blood.  Bats fly at night. Bats are animals that fly around at night.  They eat up to 101 insects in one hour.  Insects are bats' main food.
Vampire bats lap blood.   Bats are mammals like whales and people.  They don't lay eggs like birds.   Bats are not blind.  They use echolocation.  They open their mouth and let out an echo, it bounces back to them and they know if there's a tree or something in their way.  They eat bugs. Bats are very intelligent creatures.  Vampire bats don't suck out your blood.  Bats won't get tangled in your hair.  Bats eat all sorts of things like frogs, insects, and mice.  If you see a bat don't pick it up because it could be sick.  Bats help us, too.

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Vampire bats lap blood.   Some bats have big ears.  Some bats eat insects, fruit, and drink blood.   There's a bat that has a Mohawk-like look.  And there's one bat that puffs his cheeks out and sticks out his tongue.
Bats are nocturnal animals.   They use echolocation.  It bounces off trees and animals so the bat can tell where they are.  The owl is the bat's enemy. Bats eat 1,000 mosquitoes a night.  That's a lot of mosquitoes!  There are many kinds of bats.  Trees depend on bats to drop seeds.  Flowers depend on bats for pollination.

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